Ring Wormholes: Portals Through Space and Time?

Ring wormholes, also known as flat wormholes, have the potential to serve as both portals through space and time machines, according to new detailed models. Unlike traditional wormholes, which are considered tunnels through space-time and are often associated with black holes, ring wormholes are believed to be flat and circular, acting like doorways to other locations or even other universes. First proposed in 2016, ring wormholes consist of exotic matter with negative energy, a property that can exist in very small quantities due to quantum effects.

The researchers calculated that if one end of the ring wormhole is placed in a region with a higher gravitational field compared to the other end, the two sides would experience time dilation differently due to general relativity. This effect could potentially enable time travel through the wormhole. However, the time travel would not be unlimited, and there would be certain limitations, such as not being able to travel back in time before the wormhole became a time machine. Despite the intriguing possibilities, there are still practical and theoretical challenges, including the difficulty of creating the exotic matter needed for a ring wormhole and the potential effects of quantum mechanics on its stability.
While it remains uncertain whether ring wormholes can truly exist in our universe, studying these systems can offer valuable insights into both general relativity and quantum effects in space-time. Moreover, the investigation of ring wormholes could contribute to a better understanding of the early universe and the peculiar shapes it may have exhibited during that period.

The full research paper can be found on https://journals.aps.org/prd/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevD.108.024034
15/06/ 2023

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