Cheat fate

Have you ever wondered - is it possible to resurrect a person?
We have a suggestion on how to do this.
When we look at the stars, we are looking back in time.
We have a time machine in front of our eyes, but we do not use it.
How can this be used to resurrect?
Consider an example, the resurrection of Albert Einstein
(years of life 1879 - 1955).

1. Using the technology of "Wormholes" to move away from the Earth for 100 light years.
2. Using the "quantum telescope", find Albert Einstein at the given coordinates. Scan and copy his personality.
3. Grow or construct a body according to the scanned information. Transfer the scientist's personality to a new body.

The listed technologies are at the initial or theoretical point of their development. But besides technologies, information about the exact location of a person is a prerequisite. With regard to famous people, this will not be a problem, but cannot be said about ordinary people.
Our project is aimed at creating a single database of the exact coordinates of all people in space-time.
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Why are we sure it will work?

Until the year 2400, humanity will absorb all the resources of the planet.
In order to survive, our species is doomed to expansion, and people will be needed for colonization. The population of one planet is not enough for these purposes.

  • Cloning will not suitable - the colonists must be mature personalities.
  • The identities of the living will not be duplicated due to legal reasons.
The only option left is to resurrect previous generations!
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Man is mortal, but that would be half the trouble. The bad thing is that he is sometimes suddenly mortal.
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